Canal de l'Adroit

Canal de l'Adroit

Archeology and history
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A walk among the traces of the past with Carlon the soldier. This path will help you explore the natural and cultural resources of Colmars-les-Alpes before leading you into a forest of Austrian pines.
This itinerary, which is marked with panels displaying the effigy of a soldier of the king, begins in the heart of Colmars, outside the Tourism Office. It features a series of information boards about the valley’s natural and cultural resources.

2 points of interest

  • History and historical trail


    As a former border town between the Duchy of Savoie and the Kingdom of France, Colmars has a lively and often dramatic history.

    A prosperous city until the 14th century, Colmars built its first ramparts under the menace of invasions from the north in 1391 and they were reinforced in 1527: the Place de Guerre then received the royal coat of arms from King Francis I of France. Sculpted onto the Porte de France, the salamander and fleur-de-lis were ransacked during the Revolution.

    In the late 17th century, the Duchy of Savoie declared war. Colmars resisted and built the fortifications which bestowed the city with the elegant appearance it conserves to this day.

    In 1923, the city and the forts, Fort de France and Fort de Savoie, were classified as historic monuments.
  • History and historical trail

    Fort de Savoie

    At the end of the 17th century, Colmars built the set of fortifications which define its appearance today. In 1690, the War of the League of Augsbourg forced Louis XIV to reinforce all of the borders of his kingdom. From 1693 to 1695, the Calvaire fort to the south (now called Fort de France) and that of St-Martin to the north (Fort de Savoie) were thus built.

    Fort de Savoie is better preserved than Fort de France with its 2.5m-thick walls, many rooms, sentry walk with a turret, a tower with 32 arrow slits and a water tank filled by a spring which never freezes...


Having gone through the village and across the Verdon, the track climbs up a south-facing slope, allowing you to enjoy the view over the walled city and the valley. Cross the fields which were previously used for agricultural purposes and enter a forest consisting of Scotch pines which soon make way for larches.
The itinerary then passes alongside the canal and crosses other abandoned fields which are marked with stone walls and hutches. They used to make up a very fertile stretch of land given over to dryland and irrigated land agriculture.
You will then continue through a variety of groves before reaching a forest of Austrian pines, which is the fruit of mountain terrain restoration work.
Make the return journey along the road.

  • Departure : Colmars-les-alpes
  • Arrival : Colmars-les-alpes
  • Towns crossed : Colmars

Altimetric profile

Information desks

Verdon Tourisme - Bureau d'information touristique de Colmars-Les-Alpes

Ancienne auberge fleurie, 04370 Colmars les Alpes

http://www.verdontourisme.comcolmarslesalpes@verdontourisme.com04 92 83 41 92


Du 02/01 au 31/12.
Fermetures exceptionnelles les 1er mai, 1er novembre, 11 novembre et 25 décembre.
En avril et octobre
Du lundi au samedi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 18h
Jours fériés de 9h30 à 12h30
Fermé le dimanche

En mai, juin et septembre
Du lundi au samedi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 18h
Dimanche de 9h30 à 12h30
Jours fériés de 9h30 à 12h30

En juillet et août
Tous les jours de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h30

De novembre à mars
Lundi, mercredi au samedi de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 17h
Fermé le mardi, dimanche (sauf vacances zone B) et les jours fériés.

Find out more

Access and parking

From Nice

Take the Route des Alpes, the Route des Grandes Alpes and then the D908 towards Sainte Anne. It is also possible to take the legendary Route Napoléon.

Be aware that the Col d’Allos and Col des Champs are closed to traffic in snowy weather (dates vary year by year and according to weather conditions).

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